AMPOR (A Montanha Pariu o Rato)
City of Mariana, Brazil.
On November 5, 2015 a dam broke in a chain process dumping 32 billion cubic meters of iron ore tailings along 600 km of the river Doce.

Dozens more dams are at high risk, putting communities on alert across the South American continent.
These are environmental tragedies for which those responsible have not yet been fined.
Added to this scenario five centuries of kidnapping, slavery, rape and genocide in America. The colonial-capitalist-patriacal oppression operates today through livestock, agriculture and mining expansion.

Communities threatened by engineering projects such as dams, power plants, pipelines, etc., as well as democratic insurgency agents such as the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) or the Dam Affected Movements (MAB), remain colonized by the western production of knowledge and the geo-engineering of the globalized extractive industry.

Regarding the mitigation process after disasters, the decimated properties were evaluated with negligible value, not by agents external to the criminal process, but by skills subordinated to the companies Samarco, Vale, BHP Billiton, etc.
Regarding the choice of land that will be purchased by Samarco in the set of the proposed indemnity action, by the official commission that corresponds to the companies involved, the State and the affected families, the purchase of the land involves technical characteristics, of low market value. However, in the case of many indigenous communities, the place of residence must not be far from their cemeteries and must not abandon their places of beliefs and rituals. According to the 2015 Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), this is a case of interference in the total approval of the rights of indigenous peoples, communities and Afro-descendants as they affect the rights of cultural identity and religious freedom, in the right to life, health, personal integrity and a sustainable environment.