Curadoria de Enigmas Territoriais

Published by Orlando Vieira Francisco on

Last month, we launched the publication “Curadoria de enigmas territoriais”, edited by Inês Moreira, executive produced by Parábola Crítica and organized by Cluster Curating the Contemporary: on Architectures, Territories and Networks in which I’m part.
In the publication I participate with the article “Cartographic reflections on environmental and humanitarian disasters: drawing on the case of the Mariana dam, Minas Gerais”, as continuity of my scientific research on the production of social space, infrastructure and the epistemological problem in the visual arts. The book also aims to publish the results of some events organized by the Cluster, such as the first edition of the workshop The Oblique Think Tank designed by Inês Moreira and coordinated by me.
The publication is editorially coordinated by Beatriz Duarte, graphic design by Joana & Mariana and photographs by Thiago Liberdade.

Book photographs by Isabella Lanave.

For more information, contact Parábola Crítica, Associação Cultural:

Curadoria de Enigmas Territoriais” is a book that presents a collective research exercise on rugged territories that challenges inventive approaches and readings that address convoluted terrains. Let’s think about the settlements and waste areas of industrial production, mining, or nuclear energy: if keeping them active is a demanding and risky activity of material extraction, expansion in space and long lasting in time, keeping them intact after catastrophic accidents, or simply ensuring them stable and inert when deactivated, can be an enigma. How to reveal the processes that transform the productive into unproductive? And how to make the condition of this same unproductive productive?

+ info: Parabola Crítica

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